Wind Power

Onshore wind power is the backbone of Finnish sustainable energy production

The climate and functioning electricity distribution infrastructure make Finland an exceptionally interesting investment environment. Sustainable energy production, on the other hand, attracts investments with renewable electricity. The National Economy thanks you.

Contrary to what is often thought, small and medium-sized wind farms are profitable investments. Our long cooperation with investors enables the flexible realization of wind farms of different sizes.

For the landowner, flexible implementation enables significant additional income through rent, zoning, construction and damage compensation. The municipality and the regional economy will also benefit significantly from the wind farm project. Our implementation model includes special additional income opportunities for the local municipality by enabling the collection of corporate tax. We will be happy to tell you more.

Wind Power FAQ

A wind turbine always makes noise when operating. During the EIA process, the migration of sound to the surrounding area is accurately modeled in such a way that the sound limits set by the Government are not exceeded for permanent and leisure properties. More info here

In 2020, the Finnish Technology Research Center, VTT, the Institute of Occupational Health, the University of Helsinki and the Institute for Health and Well-being carried out an extensive investigation, the conclusion of which was that there is no scientific evidence of the very high-frequency infrasound caused by wind power that is dangerous to health. Link to the study Link to the study

Infrasound below 70dB has not been shown to cause health harm in studies. Only loud sounds are harmful. All loud noise heard is harmful in all workplaces, regardless of the source, and therefore the noise limit of Tuulivoimaloi for residential areas is 45 dB. The noise of highways, construction sites, traffic and nature exceeds this practically everywhere in Finland. In nature, infrasounds/low-frequency sounds are caused by, for example, wind, storm fronts and the sea.

Residential and leisure buildings are always placed so far from wind turbines that no part of them is shaded. Shading only occurs in the immediate vicinity of power plants. The flickering effects are accurately modeled during the process and the power plants are placed in such a way that the buildings are not subject to flickering for a maximum of a few hours a year. Due to the large distance between power plants and buildings, flicker only occurs in clear weather when the sun is low. Because of this, the flickering effect occurs in practice only during the light hours of autumn, winter and summer nights.

Landowners are paid case-by-case rent according to the land lease agreement. In addition to this, damage compensation can also be paid to other properties, which is based on the property's changing outlook. Damage compensation is always assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Wind power has become a very significant source of property tax revenue for the local municipality. In addition, Solarwind Finland's projects generate additional income for the municipality through corporate tax. In the construction of wind power, the aim is to use primarily local and secondarily labor coming from other parts of Finland. The construction phase also includes a lot of know-how based on local business activities, such as subcontractors, accommodation and other services. Wind turbines require regular maintenance during their entire life cycle, which enables local entrepreneurs to be used as part of the maintenance and to create the conditions for it. More information property tax and corporation tax.

The wind power company is always responsible for the possible basic improvement of the privately owned road at its own expense. The use of the road is always agreed with the local road authority or private road owner. After the road is improved, the functionality and load-bearing capacity of the road will improve, and in many cases it can be used better than the initial situation, for example for forest management and hunting.

In the land lease agreement of the wind farm, a guarantee amount has been agreed upon for the land owner, which is placed in the account as security in case this happens. In fact, this has never happened in Finland, even though there have been wind turbines in Finland since the 1980s. Old power plant sites are sought after because it is easier to get a new power plant licensed for them.

The microplastic coming off the pallets of wind turbines has sparked a discussion, especially recently. Based on the survey, the number of particles coming off the platforms of wind turbines is very small. There is a comprehensive article on the topic on the website of the wind power association, which also contains references to several studies and reports dealing with the topic.  Linkki Suomen tuulivoimayhdistyksen artikkeliin. 

Maatuulivoimala edellyttää aina massiivisen perustukset, joilla kompensoidaan voimalaan kohdistuvat rakenteelliset sekä tuulen aiheuttamat rasitukset. Perustukset toteutetaan yleisesti, joko maa- tai kallioperusteisesti riippuen alueen maaperästä ja mahdollisen kallion käytettävyydestä. Nykyaikaisen voimalan perustukset koostuvat pääasiassa teräsvahvisteisesta betonirakenteesta. Tyypillisen voimalan perustuksiin käytetään noin 250 tonnia terästä sekä 1500-1700 m3 betonia. Perustusten mitoitus riippuu paikallisista pohjarakentamisen olosuhteista sekä käytettävästä voimalatyypistä.

More questions and answers to the most common statements Finnish windpower association´s website.

Do you have any questions?

You can contact our contact person with any questions you may have.

Petri Honkanen

Project Director